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  • Writer's pictureMaciej Workiewicz

Behavioral Strategy Wiki site launches

Prodded by Phanish Puranam, together with my fellow INSEAD PhD colleagues (Julien Clement, Sunkee Lee, and Daniel Mack) we have developed and launched a new website for the behavioral strategy community – the Behavioral Strategy Wiki. The website’s main purpose is to provide a quick overview and introduction to the subject of behavioral strategy, which we define as “approach to studying traditional strategic management problems, that aims to draw on evidence rather than assumptions about human behavior, in its theorizing. “

The key feature of the website is an interactive literature matrix, which gives a visitor a representative sample of papers from the intersection of concepts (e.g. Alliances, Divestitures, Incentives) and phenomena (e.g. Aspiration Adjustments, Emotions, Learning). The list of papers should give a visitor a quick introduction to the subject, and the matrix itself highlights “hot” and “cold” zones in the research landscape.

Visitors are invited to contribute to the website and to make suggestions in terms of additional articles to include in the matrix. We hope the website will become a useful tool for the academic community. Send me an email if you want to know more about the initiative.

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