Research Interests
Organization design, Behavioral strategy, Organizational learning and adaptation, Future of work and organizations, Artificial Intelligence, Formal theory, Complex systems
Publications in Refereed Journals (Authors In Alphabetical Order Unless Mentioned Otherwise)
Workiewicz M. forthcoming. On Fads, Fashions, and Follies of Flat Organizing and Why Managers Still Matter. Journal of Organization Design.
Keil T. & Posen H. & Workiewcz M. forthcoming. Aspirations, Beliefs, And A New IDEA: Building On March’s Other Model Of Performance Feedback. Academy of Management Review
Ketkar H & Workiewicz M. 2022. Power To The People: The Benefits And Limits Of Employee Self-Selection In Organizations. Strategic Management Journal 43(5): 935-963
Billinger S & Workiewicz M. 2019. Fading hierarchies and the emergence of new forms of organization. Journal of Organization Design 8(1): 17.
Levinthal, DA. & Workiewicz M. 2018. When Two Bosses are Better Than One: Nearly Decomposable Systems and Organizational Adaptation. Organization Science 29(2): 207-224.
Dong J. & March JG. & Workiewicz M. 2017. On organizing: An interview with James G. March. Journal of Organization Design 6(14)
Burton RM. & Håkonsson DD. & Nickerson J. & Puranam P. & Workiewicz M. & Zenger T. 2017. GitHub: Exploring the Space Between Boss-less and Hierarchical Forms of Organizing. Journal of Organization Design 6(10)
Aggarwal, V. & Posen, H. & Workiewicz, M. 2017. Adaptive capacity to technological change: The microfoundational approach. Strategic Management Journal 38(6): 1212-1231.
Almeida Costa, A. & Workiewicz, M. & Szulanski, G. (random order of authors) 2016. On the Foundations of Organizational Knowledge: Interview with Professor Sidney G. Winter. Journal of Management Inquiry 25(2): 223-231.