Curriculum Vitae

Academic Positions
2019 - present Associate Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School
2016 - 2019 Assistant Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School
PhD in Management, INSEAD, France, 2017
MBA, INSEAD, France, 2008
M.A. International Economics and Politics, Warsaw School Of Economics, Poland, 1998-2002
Invited Talks
2023: ETH Zurich
2022: Katz Graduate School of Business - University of Pittsburgh, Singapore Management University, Seoul National University
2021: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Bayes Business School (City, University of London)
2019: NOVA School of Business and Economics, Rotterdam School of Management
2018: SKEMA Business School
2017: University of Lugano, Aarhus University
2016: HEC Paris
2015: Bocconi University, ESADE Business School, RSM Rotterdam, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, IE Business School, Strategy Department, University of Southern Denmark, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, ESSEC Business School
Awarded Dean’s Scholar Grant, ESSEC Business School, 2023
Outstanding ERB Reviewer Award, Organization Science, 2023
Awarded Scientific Committee Research Grant for a project “Beyond Artificial Intelligence”, 2023
Recipient of the ESSEC Foundation Daniel Tixier Pedagogical Experience Award, 2023
Honorable Mention for the paper "A Cognitive Model of Problemistic Search" (with T. Keil and H. Posen) for the Behavioral Strategy IG at the SMS Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN (2019)
Received the ESSEC Foundation’s Teaching Award:
voted the most favored professor in the 2017-2018 academic year
nominated for the most favored professor in the 2016-2017 academic year
Nomination for the SMS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize for “Project screening and resource allocation in boss-less firms”, Houston, 2017
Nomination for the Best Paper at the Academy of Management Meeting (BPS Division), 2014
Outstanding Reviewer Awards:​​
Academy of Management, STR Division, 2023
Strategic Management Society, Knowledge and Innovation Interest Group, 2014 and 2016
Academy of Management, OMT Division, 2013
INSEAD - full funding for the Wharton campus exchange (2013)
INSEAD - full finding for the Emerging Scholars Workshop at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management, Philadelphia, PA (2012)
Awarded “Passed with Distinction” in the Ph.D. Strategy Comprehensive Exam, INSEAD, 2012
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Organization Design (since 2018), Organization Science (since 2021), Strategy Science (since 2020), and Strategic Management Journal (since 2023)
Associate Editor, Journal of Organization Design (since 2021)
Elected to the STR Teaching Committee (TC) at the Academy of Management (2021)
Guest Editor, Journal of Organization Design, Special Issue: Fading Hierarchies and the Emergence of New Forms of Organization
Ad-hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, and Strategic Organization
Representative at Large for the Competitive Strategy Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society (2020-2021)
Elected to STR Teaching Committee at the Academy of Management (2021-2023)
Track Chair and Session Chair (BPS) Academy of Management annual conference, Atlanta GA, 2017
Reviewer for Academy of Management Annual Meeting, and Strategic Management Society Annual Conference since 2012.
Co-organizer of an Annual ODC Conference “Organization Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Harvard Business School, August 11, 2019
Produced and conducted a video interview with Professor James G. March for the Knowledge and Innovation Interest Group of the SMS (September 2013).
Produced and conducted a video interview with Professor Sidney G. Winter for the Knowledge and Innovation Interest Group of the SMS (November 2011).
Member of Academy of Management, Organization Design Community, Strategic Management Society, and Theoretical Organizational Models Society
Co-developed and maintains the Behavioral Strategy Wiki - SMS Behavioral Strategy IG initiative.